With Class and Tradition, Neon Signs Help Transform Tulsa Businesses

How Would You Maximize the Marketing Potential of Neon Signs in Tulsa?


Neon signs have the ability to catch people’s eyes in a way unlike all other advertising tools. That probably accounts for their long history — and their continued use today.

In the past, neon signs could be associated with places of business, like bars and clubs, that were considered far from the acceptable norms. Now, it is closer to the norm to incorporate neon into a hip advertising campaign, and many more types of businesses use this kind of signage. Even with all the sophisticated technologies available to marketers and consumers, there could still be nothing as powerful in gaining attention as a well-designed neon sign. With their vintage and visual appeal, neon signs have remained as a guarantee for gaining visibility. Read more on this article: http://bit.ly/2xLcnpM

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